Energetic Connected Life™:
Your Deepest Connection to Your Highest Self
Are you Craving Deeper Spiritual Connection?
Discover the 28-minute secret revolutionizing spiritual connection for busy seekers worldwide.
Are you ready to consistently access your deepest connection to your highest self?
"If you are looking for peace and connection in an out-of-kilter world -- you have come to the right place." Dorothy 
Feeling disconnected from your true essence despite years of spiritual practice?
You're not alone.

But what if I told you that the profound spiritual depth you've been seeking is closer than you think - no grueling meditation marathons or expensive retreats required?

Introducing Energetic Connected Life™:
  • A groundbreaking 2-step technique
  • Trusted by over 8,542 conscious seekers worldwide
  • Takes you into deep connection and inner peace faster than you can enjoy a cup of tea
This technique, born from a surprising fusion of ancient wisdom and modern neuroscience, challenges everything we thought we knew about spiritual connection.

Unlike any other spiritual practice you've encountered, it uses cellular energy to work with your body's natural energetic rhythms, not against them.

Embrace your highest self without compromising your daily responsibilities.

"Other programs gave me things to DO -- you took me right into BEING where everything changed. I immediately felt peace and expansion" - Karen S.
Imagine this...
Have you ever experienced those rare, transcendent moments of pure connection?
When you're beyond ego, free from limiting patterns, radiating pure light?
You walk into a room and the very energy shifts.
Nothing derails you; your path is crystal clear.


Now, imagine feeling this way not just after intense retreats or plant medicine journeys, but consistently, day after day.

You might be wondering:
"Is this even possible with my busy life?"

The surprising truth is: Yes, it is.

And it's simpler than you might think.

The Real Problem with Most Traditional Spiritual Practices and the Modern World:
They often demand:
  • Hours of daily meditation
  • Expensive, time-consuming retreats
  • Complex, difficult-to-maintain practices
But it goes deeper than that:
  • The constant struggle to 'quiet your mind' leaves you feeling more agitated than enlightened.
  • Years of dedicated practice often yield minimal results. Is this really the only path to spiritual growth?
  • The fleeting moments of connection you experience make the return to 'normal' life even more jarring and disappointing.
  • You're told that if you're not making progress, you're simply not trying hard enough. But what if the system itself is flawed?
Yet, the results are fleeting.
The "spiritual high" fades, leaving you feeling more disconnected and frustrated than ever.
You long for a consistent, deep connection with your higher self, but it seems always out of reach.
What if there was a way to effortlessly access that profound state every single day,
even with your packed schedule?
Introducing: Energetic Connected Life™
At the heart of ECL lies our revolutionary Cellular Expansion Meditations™.
This proprietary technique allows you to easily expand into your higher self in just 5 minutes.

Drawing on cutting-edge research in epigenetics and neuroplasticity, Cellular Expansion Meditations™ work at a level deeper than conscious thought.
Unlike traditional meditation that often feels like a battle with your thoughts, this method creates a harmonious dialogue between mind, body, and spirit.
Here's the kicker :
You don't even need to be fully attentive
for it to work.
Imagine if each cell in your body could be tuned to the frequency of your highest self.
That's the potential of Cellular Expansion Meditations™.
Users report unexpected 'side effects' - from enhanced intuition to spontaneous creative insights.
What might you discover?
Imagine living in your highest self consistently, 
no matter what earthly obstacles come your way.
How would that transform your life?
Visualize Your Transformation...
  • In Your Career: Experience clarity that leads to inspired decisions, skyrocketing your success and recognition.
  • In Your Relationships: Feel a profound deepening of connections, filled with unconditional love and understanding.
  • In Social Settings: Watch as you walk into a room and instantly elevate the energy, drawing others to your radiant presence.
Energetic Connected Life™: Simple Yet Profoundly Powerful
  • 2-Step Technique: Step 1 activates your innate spiritual potential, while Step 2 effortlessly integrates this awakened state into your daily life.
  • Globally Proven: Trusted by conscious seekers worldwide– from beginner to advanced!
  • Ultra Time-Efficient: Achieve profound results in just 5 minutes, even if your mind wanders. You can even achieve this while you walk the dog, make a nutritious meal, or sit quietly.
Profound shift in what's possible...
"Energetic Connected Life isn't just another meditation course. It's an invitation to a profound shift in how we approach our spiritual connection. To the world we can create" Susan P.
You might be thinking:
"How can something so simple be so transformative?"
That's exactly what Sandra thought before she tried ECL...
Real Stories, Real Results
  • Sandra (Spiritual Seeker for 20+ Years): "After decades of searching, I've finally experienced true presence. The insights I receive daily are mind-blowing and profoundly comforting."
  • Mike (High-Powered Executive): "I was skeptical, but now I access deep stillness in just 5 minutes a day. My intuitive decision-making has led to a 30% increase in company profits."
  • Louise (Former Anxiety Sufferer): "The constant loneliness and anxiety that plagued me for years have been replaced by waves of love and connection. I finally feel at peace."
How did these people transform their spiritual journeys so dramatically?
The answer lies in the comprehensive ECL Journey
Energetic Connected Life™
Your deepest connection to your highest self
Here's What You Get:
  • Comprehensive Spiritual Roadmap: Your step-by-step guide to lasting inner peace, connection and stillness.
  • 2 Cellular Expansion Meditations™ for deep spiritual connection • Designed for busy lifestyles - just 28 minutes each. "They do the work for you while you relax, expand and heal."
    Just Tap Play
  • Quantum Integration Exercises • 15 powerful written exercises to anchor your spiritual insights • Practical tools to apply spiritual wisdom in daily life

  • Goldliocks Coaching™ Powerful written actionable coaching designed for busy lifestyles. Learn just what you need - no complex theories or fluff. Available when you are.

  • Holistic Life Integration System: Learn to infuse spiritual connection into every area - from boardrooms to bedrooms.

  • BONUSES- The No Fluff Zone


    HELP you BE more... Not Do More!

Your ECL journey takes you to where years of effort and study have tried to go previously.
30 years of supporting people has shown us what helps lasting change and transformation.
We have included BONUSES for ALL those stages.
Your Journey - Fully Supported for the greatest success and impact in your life.
  • Special MEGA - Bonus: Energized for 2 weeks

    Use our unique Intention Amplifier™
    Mikala and Deb will energize your intention for this journey directly, holding you in their awareness daily for added support for 14 Days!

    This level of support is usually reserved for members of our high-end Programs.

    "Every day, I felt support. It was not just a huge comfort, but it helped me realize how powerful this energy really is." Karen P.


  • Bonus: Soul Infusion System™
    (How to Easily Bring Your Soul Into Your Daily Life)
    You start off expanded, loving the ease. And then...

    Often the personality steps forward from habit. The over-thinking, organizing, and worrying begin.

    Our Soul Infusion System makes it easy with 8 easy-to-do and fun ways to START with your Soul so your outer world reflects your Inner light.

    You, Unlimited.


  • Bonus: Grounded Expansion

    No more separation from your spiritual and daily life!

    Anchor expanded consciousness and see the world through your Soul's eyes.


  • Bonus: Impact Now!

    Birth your unique gifts and have greater Impact in the World.  Learn the stages of Soul connection and how to create from here.


  • Bonus: Connecting to Your Unlimited Capacity

    Go beyond limitations.

    Align with your newly emerging connection and support living from this expansion.


  • Bonus: Bring Back Expansion Blueprint™

    Expansion takes practice, and life gets in the way

    (These 2 Steps to Make it SO Simple, No Matter What!)


  • Bonus: MasterClass- Manifesting Mastery with Ease

    (The One Thing that Impacts Your Ability to Manifest)

    Be transformed as you watch this energy-infused video that changes how you manifest.


    Our advanced students LOVED this.

    " I cried when I watched this. Simple and profound all at once. And it changed not only how I looked at manifesting, but how I FEEL about my ability to manifest."


  • Bonus: Bridge to the Future™

    Special recorded exercise with energy transmission and support

    so that your energy system is guided to bring your energy into the day-to-day life events.

    Watch as life becomes easier, you draw what is needed and you feel the experience of your energy having impact.

    "This was one of the most powerful experiences. It could have been a class on its own! I don't start my day without it now" Mike V.


Life is Better Now..

"Having the support from this program has changed my life. I bounced from one program to another and thought living this way would take years to even glimpse.

Within 3 days, I felt happier, lighter, and more connected with myself in the deepest way possible.

A side benefit? I am more patient with my kids and less triggered by what happens around me. - Sharon P

Total Value: $697
Usual Price: $247
Today's Price: $197
Changes how fast things shift and how easy it is to move through life...
"I reach for ECL every time something is changing in my life. It brings great comfort but also connects me deeply to myself. From here, I have greater clarity not only for what is happening but for what I need next. Such a gift!" Dennis M
Discover ECL : A unique approach
to spiritual connection...
Gifted from Higher Consciousness, these channeled teachings take you beyond what was previously possible without years of effort and study all while honoring the needs of a modern life
Special Limited-Time Offer: Transform Your Spiritual Journey Today
Get instant access to the entire ECL journey for just $197.
That's less than 54 cents a day for a year-long journey to unshakeable inner peace and awakening. (and you keep everything for as long as you want)
Why postpone the deep spiritual fulfillment you've always craved?
Get this unique opportunity to merge with your true essence.
ECL offers the most direct path to inner alignment,
giving you a replicable method to access
profound spiritual connection in minutes.
Even if you've struggled with meditation in the past,
have a busy mind
or have little time,
this journey is designed for your success.
Are you ready to experience the fullness of your light in your daily life?
Click the button below and join thousands of seekers who have embraced a life of profound, consistent spiritual connection.
Your transformation awaits!
Helped me bring my BEST me forward...
"Bringing my best self to my life, my kids has always mattered most to me. Using ECL has done that, AND helped me evolve spiritually in a way I didn't know was possible!" Janice K
ECL: Your path to inner stillness and divine connection
that feels as natural as breathing,
as effortless as gazing at a beautiful sunrise.
Intriguing, isn't it?
ECL is for you if you've:
  • Experienced moments of transcendent connection, only to find them slipping away in the bustle of daily life
  • Wondered if there's a more graceful, easy way to deepen your spiritual connection
  • Longed to consistently access your higher self, but feel overwhelmed by life's distractions
This is probably not for you if you:
  • Believe spiritual growth is hard, takes years and lots of effort
  • Don't want to use energy- infused meditations to shift and evolve
  • Have to understand how everything works

Ready to finally create your deepest Spiritual Connection and LIVE from there?
"Truly transformative experience everyone should have...
"I have tried various types of meditation in the past, but nothing has come close to the experience I had with Cellular Expansion Meditation. I was able to go deeper than I ever thought possible, and I experienced profound connection and unity with everything around me. It was truly a transformative experience, one everyone should experience.
The world would be a better place if more people used this!"  Bob W.
Previous Customers Asked These Questions:
Guided meditation uses the mind to create change. A great first step, but limited since you are so much more than your mind.

Unfortunately, Guided Meditation also has inherent challenges. The mind needs to be present in this process...but quiet.

More often people share they have struggled to have the peace, calm and success they crave because they just can't quiet their mind.

As a multidimensional being of consciousness and purpose, energy is your primary building block. Using energy directly creates the greatest shifts and expansion.

Our Programs take this a step further and use the transformative energy of Cellular Expansion and Healing™.

Cellular Expansion Meditations invite your cells to open to what you desire to create: a life of joy, abundance, health, and deep Soul connection.

An energy transmission, like the warm rays of the sun, is offered to your cells. Your mind does not need to direct the energy or even be quiet!

We are the only ones to offer this revolutionary process.

Like mainstream meditation, Cellular Expansion Meditation provides relaxation, self-discovery, and a more defined life perspective by bringing the mind, body, Soul, and spirit into harmony.

They are often effective where other approaches have not been.

Yes, absolutely!

Some people prefer to listen this way and describe getting the best night's sleep ever!

We get that life can be really busy, so listening at bedtime or while out for a walk (even pulling weeds in the garden) are all ok.

These Programs are different from traditional meditation that requires you to breathe or sit in a certain way.

The power of these recordings is in the transmission of energy that goes beyond the mind itself to create deep lasting changes and expansion.

Every time you listen your cells are bathed in those energies and that is what facilitates change at a very deep level, whether you hear the words or not.

Everything included takes you to your next level. Small-time investments that bring big rewards are what we are about.
Part of the beauty of our system is that you can listen when it works for you. While you walk the dog, do laundry, sit in quiet, and even sleep.
This is the evolution of meditation.

No need to sit a certain way, no special breathing or mantras. Just peace, expansion and deep connection.

Healing & Transformation on your terms- when you are ready.


Our programs compress time- leaving more time in your day for what matters.

More time is spent ruminating about things when there is not emotional flow.

Emotional flow leads to clarity of thought and actions/ choices.

Having emotional flow/clarity saves time.


For Planning: Each Cellular Expansion Meditation™ is approximately 30 minutes.

We suggest you leave a few minutes before to shift from what you have been doing. And time to bask in the expansion at the end as your cells drink in the light and healing that is offered.

People report changes in the first meditation.
And just as you are unlimited consciousness, these programs meet you where you are and open the next opportunity for your evolution.
The more you listen, the deeper the support.
The most important thing to remember is that everyone is unique. Sometimes it takes longer for the shifts we want, and we don't, as personalities know why.
While this can be frustrating, the great news is with this program; you have a tool of deep support and transformation ready at your fingertips!
Due to the digital delivery and your immediate access, we do not offer refunds.

We will assist you in your success and are confident with the number of people from all experience levels that have benefitted that you will as well.
Each person, their history, and healing path are different. We have included everything to help with your success and transformation.
If you have questions or need assistance, email us directly at the email on your receipt.
We get it, computers crash, it's easy to forget to back things up and before you know it you can't find these amazing meditations and tools!
No worries! You will have access to a private portal where all the course materials, Cellular Expansion Meditation™and the Bonuses reside.
No need to download anything and worry about computer issues etc. 
You can access the portal from your phone, tablet, or computer wherever you have internet.


Guidance from Deb and Mikala:  A Path to Living as Your Highest Self
Deb and Mikala have guided thousands of individuals on a journey of living as their radiant Souls in daily life and spiritual pursuits for over three decades.
Their unique approach fosters a profound expansion of consciousness, altering how you perceive the world and create your reality, revealing new realms of possibility.

Mikala, an aspect of source consciousness, is here to support the evolution of humanity and how we live, love and create.

Mikala's loving yet powerful transmissions create expansion, shifts, and transformation in palpable ways.

Life gets better, healing often happens, and spiritual evolution accelerates.

All from a place of love.

Mikala extends this loving wisdom through her human partner, Deb, delivering transformative experiences that initiate profound and lasting evolution.

Deb has been a channel long before it became popular.

Just as you are wired a certain way, Deb is wired for connection. She has been attuned to a deeper reality since childhood, with incredibly accurate prophetic dreams and a knowing that there was more to the world than meets the eye.

She consciously partners with Mikala, offering a path of evolution that honors the personality while opening unlimited space for healing, transformation, and enlightenment.

Together, Mikala and Deb have birthed Cellular Expansion and Healing™, a revolutionary energy work that provides an environment for cells to open and receive healing, quickly resolving long-held constrictions.

Your life: defenses, habituated patterns, fears, and earlier learned responses no longer dictate your life and choices. Each time you engage with the Cellular Expansion Meditations™, the transmitted energy opens space for you to evolve, heal, and learn new ways of being in the world, free from limitations.

As we each evolve to bring our largest self forward, we create a world that reflects that inner expansion, a world of profound possibility and radiant living.


What our customers are saying about
Cellular Expansion Meditation™
The cornerstone of Your ECL journey!
I recommend these all the time!
Nikki Remic- Bannon, Spa Owner
Beginner or Advanced, everyone benefits from this powerful approach to healing and change. All while they relax and listen! It doesn't get any easier.
Support when I need it most!
Logan K
 Cellular Expansion Meditations go beyond what the mind can conceive of as change.
They truly transform life.
Are you ready to explore this new dimension of spiritual connection?
Are you open to experiencing the deep, consistent inner peace you've always sensed was possible?
Energetic Connected Life™
Your deepest connection to your highest self
Fully Supported You Get:
  • A consistent sense of spiritual presence amidst life's ebb and flow
  • A clearer connection to your inner wisdom and intuition
  • A profound sense of peace that remains steady through life's challenges
  • The natural ability to uplift others through your presence
 Access Your Deepest Spiritual Connection
Go beyond what was previously possible
without years of effort
and study all while honoring the needs of a modern life 
If your heart is calling you to this path,
Click the button below to begin your ECL journey.
 NOW $247  
"I feel more connected to myself and the world around me.
I have more energy, less stress, and an overall sense of well-being." ~Suzan P
Energetic Connected Life™: Your Deepest Connection with Your Highest Self
© Deb Schnitta - VANATI 2024