The Evolution Toolkit
 Imagine If...
Spirit saw your struggle on the path
and lovingly said
"Hold on – I have exactly what you need."
It's waiting for you here...
In a World of Chaos
Being a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience can be hard
But it doesn't have to be....
Yes, there are lots of challenges and noise grabbing your attention. 
(seems like more lately, eh?)
Sadly, no amount of sage, mantras, or mindset work is going to make that go away...(But you knew that!)
Now, more than ever, the need for balance, grace, and expansion is even stronger.
So you can be in the world as you offer your light, and not be battered around.
Having support from higher consciousness makes all of this possible so that your personality doesn't have to struggle. 
I hear you; these evolutionary times stir the desire to have impact...
There are THREE key things you MUST have for your Soul to have impact –  
regardless of what path you are on (or how long you have been there)
  • Emotional Flow
  • Ability to navigate through layers of consciousness
  • Connection – Self, Others, Source, Universe
Truly transformational
"If you are looking for connection, you have come to the right place. If you are looking for peace, you have come to the right place. If you are looking for spiritual stability in an out-of-kilter world, you have come to the right place. Evolution Toolkit provides you with tools for things you didn't even know you needed." Dorothy 
WHY this matters...
Emotional flow creates a fluid personality
so you can be more present, less triggered, and not overwhelmed by emotions (no matter what is happening around you)
It also creates space for deeper connection with your Soul.
Fluid Personality + Soul = Unlimited Expansion
Just One of the Reasons Therapists (and Doctors) Recommend our Programs:
From frustrated to relieved and elated!

"I used to always stuff my emotions and tried ALL sorts of things to manage them.
Nothing worked.

Then my therapist suggested your program.

I went from frustrated to relieved and elated!

Who knew you could transform all the old stuff (no more pervasive anger after 35 years!) and do it so easily.
And can I say the voice and energy on the meditations are so calm, loving, and peaceful.

The moment they start, I just go somewhere else. "~Janice K.

Fully Supported with our Program
You Will Easily...
Quickly transform fear, anger, lack, confusion, and more so you can live & love as your undefended self.
Deeper Connection:
Others, my self
my Soul
God/ Universe
My Purpose
Capacity for Love
Transform negative self-talk (those annoying tapes that surface, telling you can't do something) into self-love.
Greater Emotional Freedom:
NOT triggered
by others OR the past.
Bring Calm, Peace, Presence, and Expansion to Your Life.
Create the world you want now.
Create balanced inflow & outflow- so you can have emotional well-being, open to receive, and ongoing spiritual evolution.
Ready for your higher self/ Soul to impact your life more fully?
"Such Powerful
" When clients are looking to make a change in their lives I think of The Evolution Toolkit! It helps them to transform with ease so that they can create the life that they want rather than coming from old history, upsets, and reactivity.
Plus, it all happens while they get to lay back, relax, and even sometimes fall asleep while being supported by the energy!
It can't get much easier."
Nikki Remic, Spa Owner 
Emotional Flow Creates an Extraordinary Opportunity to Embrace Being Versus Doing
You will easily transform... 
  • Old Limiting Thoughts
  • Stagnant or Overwhelming Emotions
  • Inability to Navigate Expanded Consciousness
  • History, Attachments, Expectations
and anything that is in the way of being your unlimited self to impact the world and those around you.
(Yep, this is exactly how Mikala worked with me to be able to partner with unlimited consciousness.)
Instead of spending 1000s on bloated online courses that throw in more busy work than anyone could ever complete (who has time for that?)

You're going to experience the transformation and deep connection you are longing for – all for only 497.


The Evolution Toolkit!
Exponentially shift how you react, see, and
impact the world.
Be your undefended expansive self and easily align with the vastness of the universe in all you do. (no matter what is happening around you)
You Get Fast Results With Our Proven Two Step System 
(With over 30 years of helping people transform what gets in the way, we designed this to give you what you need. No fluff included.)
Here's What's Included...
Spirit given step-by-step system that provides everything you need... to be your most expansive self. Now.
When you join us, you will have the most comprehensive system to achieve emotional flow and create space for partnership with your Soul.
Honoring both the mind and your energy system brings incredible results and is unique to our programs using:
Cellular Expansion Meditation™
Works when others don't even if your mind is busy, or you have no time.
Loving, peaceful energy transmissions that support lasting healing while you listen (even if you sleep!) Quiet mind not required!
Goldilocks Method of Coaching™
Achieve fast results with our concise, actionable written coaching.
Just the right amount of information for your mind to relax and open to higher guidance and energy. No fluff and distractions– the perfect balance of simplicity and effectiveness for your journey.



Use these 8 keys to unlock the deep and expansive capacity available inside each and every one of us.
Eight Powerful Cellular Expansion Meditations (each is approx 28 minutes)
 & Our Goldilocks Method of Coaching provides deep lasting evolution on your path - no matter where you are now or how long you have been there.
1. Creating Abundance
2. Opening to Deeper Love
3. Transforming Anger with Ease
4. Being Present and Unlimited
5. Creating Ease & Expansion
6. Connecting with Higher Flows
7. Living without Fear
8. Creating Space for Your Light
Mikala's compassionate understanding of not just what the personality needs to heal and embrace its gifts but HOW that needs to happen in the easiest way.

No drama, no time-consuming process.

There is nothing wrong with you, nothing to fix.

The unlayering of the past, unresolved emotions, and new ways of seeing yourself and the world create profound shifts.


Exponentially enhance your spiritual development, your Soul Purpose, and your Creations.

     Energy - Infused Meditations- no Quiet Mind Needed
Support at your fingertips
Accessed from higher consciousness
Connects with your Soul as the partner 
Greatest change with the least effort
Loving, respectful energy
Benefit of YEARS of meditating - just tap play
Faster, easier, no complex theories
Unlimited Access
"Other Meditations keep my mind focused, trying to "do something". I end up feeling like I am doing something wrong and can't relax.
Yours take me right into deep connection, where I know I will feel better." -Karen G.

Curious what it sounds like?


Listen to a 2 minute sample of the transformative energy not available anywhere else

Short Sample Cellular Expansion Meditation
Vanati- Mikala and Deb Schnitta
All the benefits of meditation without years of effort
"I have always struggled with incorporating meditation into my busy life, but Cellular Expansion Meditation made it so easy! I can listen anywhere and at any time, and I feel the benefits immediately. I am more relaxed and centered, and I am able to approach my day with a sense of calmness and clarity." Dennis P
As you listen to the Cellular Expansion Meditations™ you will not only be bathed in healing light and access higher consciousness, but experience relief from constrictions.
Old childhood stuff heals with ease
"I think I love the one on fear the most...and I can't believe I am saying that!

But it was there I suddenly noticed that I could navigate layers of stuck emotions that I couldn't before.

I could feel the love when I listened, like a wise angel was holding me in their heart, holding space for my healing, even from old stuff from childhood that I have told no one." ~ Michelle S.

You may be thinking I don't have time to do this...

That's what Cherise thought until she saw how easy it was to listen to the meditations as part of her day (walking the dog, laundry, life)
Over-scheduled Mom of 3 finds peace...
"When I started, I thought, there is NO way I am going to have time for this. I have 3 kids, a demanding job, and a husband.
But I committed to giving myself the gift of listening twice a week. (once was walking the dog!)

I was shocked to see the more I listened the more I wanted to find more time for me. Even fifteen minutes between meetings became time I would reach for the written coaching and have a huge Ah-ha!

Yesterday my daughter told me I seem happier – and she's a teenager!

I love, love, love this program!!!!!" ~ Cherise Williams

We added a few Bonuses and Surprises along the way. (Just the ones that help things be easier, not busier...)
Helps Your Personality Integrate the Expansion!
Transformation Trackers - assess where you are along your path.Our FREE gift to you!
The more the personality transforms the more it NEEDS deep connection with the Soul to integrate these changes.
Without integration, the personality recreates the past and begins cycling back and forth.
  • Soul Tracker- 8 ways to bring your Soul into daily life
  • Connecting to Your Unlimited Capacity
  • Transformation Tracker - easily know where you are in the programs.
Energy- Infused Videos - transmitting beautiful energy while you enjoy.
Energy- Filled VIdeos
Transform & Heal While You Relax
Nourishes Your Soul
Short videos that transmit energy and provide healing while you relax and enjoy.

As you transform what no longer serves you, heal those stagnant emotions, and create space for the larger you to move to the forefront in your daily life, you will be able to easily open to what is next.
When you click the button below, you will get immediate access to both life-changing programs.
From on the Rocks to Connected Marriage
"We've tried couples counseling, using our communication skills, and many other things to create the shifts we desired and needed in our marriage.

In just 5 of the 8 Cellular Meditations from this Program, we each noticed a more harmonious and inclusive way of being with each other.

I noticed his patterns no longer triggered me in the same way.
He shared that he is able to be with me in ways he always dreamed were possible!

I feel so hopeful by the possibilities this path has opened for us both!" ~KC, therapist

"When I am anxious  I reach for the one about love – and I am held so deeply in Divine love  everything melts away.'
The Evolution Toolkit-You can get started
Everything you need to evolve from where you are now to where you WANT to be!
 With the Evolution Toolkit You Get BOTH of these programs:
Unlimited Evolution & Energetic Connected Life
 the most comprehensive system to achieve emotional flow and create space for partnership with your Soul.

Unlimited Evolution
+ Reproducible Expansion as You Evolve- use over and over on your path.
+ Short Actionable Coaching
+ Reconnect with yourself/ Soul
+ Transform how you create
+ Centered  even in Chaos
+ Ongoing support for your spiritual evolution
+ Create Harmonious Relationships
+ 8 Cellular Expansion Meditations to transform Emotions, Old beliefs and support your deepest evolution.
Energetic Connected Life
+ 2 Cellular Expansion Meditations
+ Short Actionable Coaching
+ Align easily with your deepest self
+ Ease for your nervous system
+ Deep spiritual connection
+ Open to Receive
You're going to experience the transformation and deep connection you are longing for – all for only $497.


Ready to experience inner peace – despite chaotic circumstances, intense emotions, or difficult life events?
"I ALWAYS know that when I am stuck or just can't get out of my own way that THESE will help...not only do I feel better after I listen, I am different." Sara P.
support when I need it most!"
"The transformational process of the Vanati Cellular Expansion Meditations goes beyond what the mind can conceive of as change.
They truly transform life.
The way I communicate and understand the words of others has shifted drastically. I hear what people share but also the larger meaning of that communication. This has had a profound impact on work and in my personal life. "
Logan K.
Mikala and Deb
Your Guides for Emotional Ease & Transformation
Having guides lovingly shine a light on what is next makes it easier and saves time. 
Being guided by Spirit, helps you align with your Soul as deeply as you desire so you can connect with the Universe more fully.
Mikala, an aspect of Source consciousness, provides access to loving and transformative energy. She works through her human partner, Deb Schnitta, so that her light can be available to those seeking healing and to consciously know themselves as conduits for their own Soul's light.


Living from expansion in this way changes how you view the world and how you create.

Mikala's teachings are about hope, connection, and the opportunity to live consciously as your Higher Consciousness.

Just as you are wired a certain way, Deb is wired for connection. As a young child with incredibly accurate prophetic dreams, she had a deep knowing that there was more to the world than what we could see.


Together Mikala and Deb have birthed Cellular Expansion and Healing™.

Cellular Expansion(CE) is a revolutionary energy work that provides the environment for cells to open and receive healing and resolve long-held constrictions quickly. Resolving constrictions allows for deep Soul connection and living beyond the limitations of a personality that learns through trial and error and suffering.

From here you interact with the world from your highest creative potential.

A life lived from expansion means your defenses, habituated patterns, fears and earlier learned responses to others no longer lead the way as you create life.

You align consciously with your largest self and offer those gifts to the world.

Having a life that connects with your deepest nature and allows the world around you to receive, respond and create with this essence is perhaps the greatest gift you can offer to yourself and others.

As we each evolve to bring our largest self forward we create a world that reflects that inner expansion.


Imagine not being triggered, living from presence and expansion – Now.
Here is everything you need.
Let's Get You On Your Way!
The Evolution Toolkit includes TWO of our most popular programs:
Unlimited Evolution & Energetic Connected Life

Unlimited Evolution
+Use Over and Over on your path for ongoing support
+ Short Actionable Coaching
+ Reconnect with yourself/ Soul
+ Transform how you create
+ Centered even in Chaos
+ Emotional Healing and Harmony
+ Create Harmonious Relationships
+ 8 Cellular Expansion Meditations to transform Emotions, Old beliefs and support your deepest evolution.
Energetic Connected Life
+ 2 Cellular Expansion Meditations
+ Short Actionable Coaching
+ Align easily with your deepest self
+ Ease for your nervous system
+ Deep spiritual connection
+ Open to Receive
Instead of spending 1000s on bloated online courses that throw in more busy work than anyone could ever complete (who has time for that?)

You're going to experience the transformation and deep connection you are longing for – all for only $497.

>> Just click the yellow button below to get started today.  

"Other Meditations keep my mind focused, trying to "do something". I end up feeling like I am doing something wrong and can't relax.
Yours take me right into deep connection, where I know I will feel better." -Karen G.
Previous Customers Asked These Questions
Guided meditation uses the mind to create change. A great first step, but limited since you are so much more than your mind.


Unfortunately, Guided Meditation also has inherent challenges. The mind needs to be present in this process...but quiet.

More often people share they have struggled to have the peace, calm and success they crave because they just can't quiet their mind.

As a multidimensional being of consciousness and purpose, energy is your primary building block. Using energy directly creates the greatest shifts and expansion.

Our Programs take this a step further and use the transformative energy of Cellular Expansion and Healing. ™

Cellular Expansion Meditations invite your cells to open to what you desire to create: a life of joy, abundance, health, and deep Soul connection.

An energy transmission, like the warm rays of the sun, is offered to your cells. Your mind does not need to direct the energy or even be quiet!

We are the only ones to offer this revolutionary process.

Like mainstream meditation, Cellular Expansion Meditation provides relaxation, self-discovery, and a more defined life perspective by bringing the mind, body, Soul, and spirit into harmony.

They are often effective where other approaches have not been.

Emotional flow can also be thought of as emotional harmony. It is the experience of inner peace, despite chaotic circumstances, intense emotions, or difficult life events.
Feeling emotions in the moment and being able to respond to the situation from the highest perspective recognizing your own inner power as well as the choices of others.
Having emotional flow/ harmony lets you be present to what IS happening rather than responding based on past experiences/ traumas.
When emotions are free flowing you experience:
~ Greater intuition and clarity (saves time with life choices/ projects)

~ Not be overwhelmed by emotions

~ Have a solid center to explore life

~ Not triggered by others ( no matter how good they may be at pushing buttons)

~ Have grace and equanimity as you engage with the world.

~ Biggest impact on your ability to manifest.


People report changes in the first meditation.
And just as you are unlimited consciousness, these programs meet you where you are and open the next opportunity for your evolution.
The more you listen, the deeper the support.
Due to the digital delivery and your immediate access, we do not offer refunds.

We will assist you in your success and are confident with the number of people from all experience levels that have benefitted that you will as well.
Each person, their history, and healing path are different. We have included everything to help with your success and transformation.
If you have questions or need assistance, email us directly at the email on your receipt.
Everything included takes you to your next level. Small-time investments that bring big rewards are what we are about.
Part of the beauty of our system is that you can listen when it works for you. While you walk the dog, do laundry, sit in quiet, and even sleep.
This is the evolution of meditation.

No need to sit a certain way, no special breathing or mantras. Just peace, expansion and deep connection.


Healing & Transformation on your terms- when you are ready.


Our programs compress time- leaving more time in your day for what matters.


More time is spent ruminating about things when there is not emotional flow.

Emotional flow leads to clarity of thought and actions/ choices.

Having emotional flow/clarity saves time.


For Planning: Each Cellular Expansion Meditation is approximately 30 minutes.

We suggest you leave a few minutes before to shift from what you have been doing. And time to bask in the expansion at the end as your cells drink in the light and healing that is offered.

No! You will have access to a private portal where all the course materials, Cellular Expansion Meditations, and the Bonuses reside.
No need to download anything and worry about computer issues etc. 
You can access the portal from your phone, tablet, or computer. Wherever you have internet.


Ready for
Your fullest Life?
Our Proprietary process transforms fear, anger, lack, and more – making space for your most expansive self to lead your life.
All while you listen  & are nourished.
(Even if your mind is busy, you have no time, or have not had success with meditation - yet!)
"I have never felt such peace - especially when transforming old stuff I thought would never leave!" Sharon M.
The Evolution Toolkit – for easy transformation 
© Deb Schnitta - VANATI 2022