Guiding You to Your Deepest Connection

My family and I were going through some intense challenges. I listened to your program and fell into a deep restful sleep and felt immediate relief!


The next day was an important, healing, family meeting and the Energy of The Presence of your Work offered guidance and comfort on many levels (I felt held, clarity, and had higher level Communications with family). The energy from the meditations from the night before carried me into that meeting and made it possible to connect in deeper ways than we had before. ~ Frank V.


Fully Supported

Imagine your largest capacity leading the way each day, creating the world you know is possible. 
  • You have a deep desire to live your purpose and make a difference
  • Intention, mindfulness, seeing the awe and the Divine are part of how you live
  • You know that creating from expansion our children flourish and we build better relationships
  • You KNOW your Soul is powerful and has gifts to offer
  • Inclusivity, higher knowing, and compassion are essential touchpoints for your day
  • You want nothing more than to leave this world a better place for the children and the children's children that will come
We are so honored you are here.
For over 30 years, we have helped thousands of seekers to live a life of joy, aliveness, and purpose regardless of what is transpiring around them.
From their deepest inner connection, their outer world now reflects that internal expansion.

Beautiful Energy

That transforms & heals even when I sleep...
"Like a carrier oil or diffuser transmits a fragrance, the words in the programs act as a diffuser of the most beautiful energy throughout your body.
This energy resonates with and connects you to a larger part of your being, beyond the personality and the mind.
It ripples out into my day and everything moves smoothly.
They leave me relaxed, peaceful, and connected to higher consciousness." - Maria S.

Happier & more fulfilled 

WITHOUT The shoulds and musts of many other programs...
"I use them because I know I am in a better state of consciousness after and I LOVE the way that feels. It's my choice. AND my life is better. I am happier, more fulfilled in EVERY way.
I am so grateful the Vanati Cellular Expansion Programs are the complete & utter opposite.(no busy work, no schedule)
I am drawn to them because I feel better, more expansive, and at ease with myself and my life. " - Christina J.

We've seen what stops ease...

And Created Powerful Solutions

So that You can Live from Expansion
and bring the fullness of who you are
to all of life - family, work, play.
Our proprietary process uses energy transmissions to create expanded states of consciousness to create lasting change.
Self-paced. No complex theory or steps to learn
Be Held in Loving Energy...
That Easily Opens Sweet Connection to Your Deepest Capacity.

Inner connection and peace replaces constriction and fear so that your unlimited self can create the world you desire, fully supported.
No matter how expansive you may be, there is always the next moment of ease. You. Unlimited.

Experience a 2 minute moment of the transformative energy.

Short Sample Cellular Expansion Meditation™
Vanati- Mikala and Deb Schnitta
More than Meditation ~ The Complete Toolkit to LIVE from Expansion. 
Mikala and Deb
Mikala is an aspect of Source consciousness that provides access to energy that is both loving and transformative. She works through her human partner, Deb Schnitta so that her light can be available to those that seek healing and to know themselves consciously as conduits for their own Soul's light.


Living from expansion in this way changes how you view the world and how you create.

Mikala's teachings are about hope, connection, and the opportunity to live consciously as your Higher Consciousness.

Just as you are wired a certain way, Deb is wired for connection. As a young child with incredibly accurate prophetic dreams, she had a deep knowing that there was more to the world than what we could see.


Together Mikala and Deb have birthed Cellular Expansion and Healing™.

Cellular Expansion(CE) is a revolutionary energy work that provides the environment for cells to open and receive healing and resolve long-held constrictions easily. The resolution of constrictions allows for deep Soul connection and living beyond the limitations of a personality that learns through trial and error and suffering.

From here you interact with the world from your highest creative potential.

A life lived from expansion means your defenses, habituated patterns, fears and earlier learned responses to others no longer lead the way as you create life.

You align consciously with your largest self and offer those gifts to the world.

Having a life that connects with your deepest nature and allows the world around you to receive, respond and create with this essence is perhaps the greatest gift you can offer to yourself and others.

As we each evolve to bring our largest self forward we create a world that reflects that inner expansion.


"Imagine being held ~ In vast, never-ending love.

As the parts of your history and consciousness that arose from separation~
That might call themselves," Not Good Enough"
Are simply
LOVED into Oneness " ~ Mikala
Live from Expansion

Your Largest Self

Banish Stress ~ Connect with Your Soul
Live Your Purpose

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